Boom chaka chaka
Joined on 3/20/18
Good, but it seems it would be a little hard to adapt to animation.
thumps up
She looks interesting with that new hairstyle. In fact she reminds me a bit of Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill besides the hairstyle, the eyes and the shape of the head. As said before, it looks good in terms of illustration, but in animation, not so much, although it can be adjusted. Something else I want to mention is now with this new look, you can see more of his personality and how the character behaves. You can do interesting things, if you do it right :)
Just make another character that looks almost exactly like her with some different stuff going on. Some shadow the hedgehog type shi,aint nobody gonna notice fr fr.
Her hair looks so adorable!
Jojo and Ghost in the Shell vibes. Very awesome sauce
its kinda like metamorphosis
I prefer the simplicity of the current design, but I also like how the fluffy hair in the image in the right looks like something from the "DevilMan" or "Getter Robo" era of anime/manga.
I prefer the first, simpler style
it's a little more detailed, so maybe not the best for animation etc
but for illustration it's fire! very pretty
Thank you! I agree, I would like to try translate the design for animation however...